Specifications #
host = <host-name>, Default is current system hostname
repo = <repository-name>
frequency = <seconds> Interval to run the input
cron = <cron-expression>
Note: Cron has higher priority and will be considered for scheduling instead of frequency, if both are defined.
It is preferable to define only one, either cron or frequency.
source = <source-name>
sourcetype = dataelicit/jira:jira-audit
domain = Organization Domainname Ex: https://<domain>.atlassian.net
start_date = The date and time on or after which returned audit records must have been created.
Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
Note: Please use UTC time
Default: 1 month back
secret = <secret-stanza-name>
global = <global-stanza-name>
disabled = 0/1
host = <host-name>, Default is current system hostname
repo = <repository-name>
frequency = <seconds> Interval to run the input
cron = <cron-expression>
Note: Cron has higher priority and will be considered for scheduling instead of frequency, if both are defined.
It is preferable to define only one, either cron or frequency.
source = <source-name>
sourcetype = dataelicit/jira:jira-issues
domain = Organization Domainname Ex: https://<domain>.atlassian.net
projects = Comma seprated lists of project keys
include_fields = Comma-separated fields of the jira issues to include.
'updated' field of the jira issues will be included by default.
exclude_fields = Comma-separated fields of the jira issues to exclude.
time_field = updated Field which uniquely identifies each jira issue (Default is 'updated').
filter_params = Provide filters as per JQL syntax. For example: labels = temp AND summary ~ "Clone".
start_date = The date and time on or after which issues are updated
The date and time in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm
Default: 1 month back
secret = <secret-stanza-name>
global = <global-stanza-name>
disabled = 0/1
Example #
sourcetype = dataelicit/jira:jira-audit
frequency = 300
global = jira
secret = jira-creds
sourcetype = dataelicit/jira:jira-issues
cron = 0 0 1 * *
projects = LC,JRA
global = jira
secret = jira-creds
Note #
Make sure that the stanza name you define in local/connector.conf is not already disabled in default/connector.conf, else it will get skipped.